Too soon?

The weather broke yesterday. Or at least the humidity did, and it's a pleasant 75 degrees, with a calm, overcast grey sky. It's delightful. So I pulled out a few sweaters. They've been squatting in the back room waiting patiently for a moment when their mere existence won't be offensive to summer-lovers, bent on guzzling up the rays.

I love summer for sure, but man am I happy to feel a gentle, slightly cool breeze skimming my skin after a few weeks of oppressive heat. And so. I'm celebrating by pulling out a few of our sweaters. There are more to come, but in the meantime here's a little cashmere tease from Velvet. Available in a rich brick orange-red, and deep cobalt blue.

If you're traveling somewhere cold, you're welcome to ask.. the back room has more cozy goodness from Xirena, Velvet, and Hartford holding out for appropriate weather, and we're happy to give you a sneak peek.

In other news:

The sale baskets are overflowing, and we've initiated a new system: everything in there is marked with a dot: blue, green, red, $25, $50, and $75. Lucky finds abound. 

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